Academy Policies

All our policies are available to download below or to view on our premises. Full copies can be sent or given to parents/carers of students and prospective students free of charge on request.

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Abusive People Policy

Accessibility Plan

Admissions Policy

Admissions Complaints Policy

Anti-Bullying Policy

Assessment, Recording and Reporting Policy

Attendance Policy

Communications with Parents Policy

Complaints Policy

Curriculum Policy

Crisis and Disaster Management Policy

Disability Policy

Data Protection & GDPR Policy

Document Retention & Disposal Policy

Drugs Policy

English AS and Additional Language Policy

Education of LAC and PLAC Policy

Equalities Policy

E-Safety Policy

Exclusions Policy

Fire Risk Assessment

First Aid Policy

Gifted and Talented Policy

Health and Safety Policy

Home Harmonize Agreement

Home-School Transport and School Minibus Policy

Homework Policy

Lockdown Procedure

Management of Medication

Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy

Outside Visits and Trips Policy

Promoting Good Behaviour Policy

Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) Policy

Remote Learning Policy

Safeguarding Policy and Procedure

DFE Keeping Children Safe in Education Statutory Guidance Sep 2023

DFE Keeping Children Safe in Education Part 1: Information for Schools and College Staff Sep 2023

Sex and Relationships Policy

Social Media Policy

Special Education Needs (SEN) Policy and Information Report

Student ICT Agreement Policy

Teaching and Learning Policy

Visitors to Harmonize Academy Screening Procedures

Young Carers Policy