During the summer term many students will be sitting GCSE exams as usual.  Candidate exam timetables will be sent home with Exam Guidance and information. Also see further information below.

To give our students the best possible chance of success, school opening and closing times will be adjusted on exam days. Further details will follow.

If you have any queries, please ring the school and ask to speak to Vice-Principal, Mr Carl Parkinson or Assistant Principal, Mr Karo Onowighose.

We wish all our students every success in their exams this summer.

GCSE Exams Timetable 2024

Contingency dates: Thursday 6 June PM | Thursday 13 June PM | Wednesday 26 June all day

The contingency days would be used in the event of national or significant local disruption to exams in the United Kingdom.


Students are invited to pick up their results from school between 10.00 am and 2.00 pm. 

A Careers Adviser from Careers Connect will be available to help you with any queries about your progression in September.

Please contact us if you are unable to come into school to pick up your results.

Letter to Year 11 Students

Qualifications List

Policy and Procedures for Reporting Malpractice

JCQ Information for Candidates Privacy Notice

JCQ Information for Written Examinations

JCQ Guidance Using Social Media

HA Appeals for Assessment and Exams Policy

GCSE Exams 2024 Guidance

Notices to candidates

See more information here: https://www.jcq.org.uk/exams-office/information-for-candidates-documents/

Visit JCQ here: https://www.jcq.org.uk/about-us/

OFQUAL Student Guide 2024

Navigating Exam Stress: A Guide for Students

Accreditations and Qualifications

The accreditations / qualifications which students can achieve include:

Up to 8 GCSEs or equivalents (see below):

English, Maths, Biology, Physics, Art and Design / Photography, Dance, Drama, Physical Education, Psychology, Statistics, English Literature.

EL, L1 & L2 Qualifications:

English, Maths, Science, PSD, Speaking and Listening, Performance Skills, Dance, Music Technology, Design Technology, Food & Cookery, Hair & Beauty, Childcare, Health & Social Care, Photography, Equestrian Skills and ESOL.

Awards: Arts Award Bronze, Young Leaders Award KS3/KS4, Skills for Further Learning & Employment.


GCSEs Equivalent Qualifications
EDUQAS English Language
CIE iGCSE English Language
AQA English Literature
NCFE EL, L1 & L2 Certificates in English
Edexcel Maths (Foundation / Higher)
Edexcel Statistics

Edexcel Functional Skills L1 & L2 Mathematics

NCFE EL, L1 & L2 Certificate in Maths

AQA Biology
AQA Physics
EDUQAS Physical Education full course and short course  
AQA Drama  
Edexcel Psychology  
AQA Art and Design  


The student entitlement is that of 8 GCSEs with a single GCSE given a minimum of 120 Guided Learning Hours (GLH) and a Double GCSE a minimum of 240 GLHs.