Admissions Information


Harmonize Academy Commissioning Contract

From the outset our focus is on building a constructive and co-operative relationship between Harmonize Academy and the transferring student’s host school and/or the local authority service managing the transition. To provide the student with the best possible chance to integrate well and maximise the opportunities presented by Harmonize Academy, the transfer process will be underpinned by a Commissioning Contract to support our policy and procedures for effective transition.

  • Harmonize Academy’s Admissions Policy is available to all prospective commissioners of the service.

  • We have a transparent commissioning protocol with clearly defined stages for collecting information to ensure a successful transition into Harmonize Academy. The stages within the protocol include:

  • a rigorous case review meeting that will include the Academy Principal, representatives from the host school, local authority service, parents / carers and other relevant organisations;

  • a firm commitment on behalf of the host school and / or local authority service to provide prior all existing and available student records, related academic performance data and statutory records, e.g. attainment at KS2 and KS3, attendance, behaviour, SEN, and reasons for exclusion;

  • a commissioning report will be produced outlining the needs of the student and the provision that will be made available within a personalised learning programme;

  • a final meeting with the parents / carers and the student to spell out the detail of the provision that will be made and the expectations of the Academy in terms of behaviours, attitudes and commitment expected from students.

  • Harmonize Academy and its service partners recognise that not all students referred will necessarily thrive within the ethos and culture of the alternative provision offered and that for some young people other forms of provision will be more suitable e.g. some ‘gifted and talented’ students may have distinctly different aspirations despite the underlying reasons for their referral. For this reason there will be a full induction offered on the basis of a temporary placement so that the suitability of the placement can be assessed.

  • From the start Harmonize Academy will initiate and maintain a formal parent/carer partnership which will be supported rigorously by our staff, even in the face of potential reluctance in the first instance. Home – Harmonize liaison will be seen as central to the success of each student’s progress and achievement.



Children and young people aged 13-16 can obtain a placement at Harmonize Academy following a referral by a local authority, or from a maintained school or Academy. It is required that students referred from maintained schools and Academies will be dual registered at Harmonize Academy and at the referring school or Academy, as such placements although dependant on the needs of the student, will generally be relatively short and subject to review. Students referred from a local authority (for example those who are permanently excluded from school) will be registered at the Harmonize Academy.



Commissioners will assess a student’s educational and additional needs including a risk assessment. Commissioners will discuss potential referrals with Harmonize Academy where they are uncertain that all the needs of a child or young person can be met by Harmonize Academy to help determine whether a referral should be made. If a Commissioner’s assessment process concludes that a referral to Harmonize Academy will appropriately meet a student’s needs, the Commissioner will complete a Referral Form Link and submit this to Harmonize Academy.

On acceptance of the referral by the Harmonize Academy, the Commissioner will enter into a contractual arrangement with Harmonize Academy to secure the placement.

Once a referral is accepted, the student will be invited to Harmonize Academy to discuss their induction programme and Individual Learning Plan.

It should be noted that children who have a Statement of Special Educational Needs which names Harmonize Academy as the appropriate school to meet those needs will be allocated places in the first instance.

Students transferring from other institutions/areas will be integrated into Harmonize Academy within the following guidelines:

  • That any transfer is a process and not an event.

  • The students and their parents/carers have a right to be heard and to participate in decision making about provision to meet their special education needs and that contact is established and maintained throughout the process.

  • That coping strategies will be provided for the student and a key person appointed with whom the student can liaise.

  • That there are opportunities for the student to visit the school and sample the atmosphere and environment.

  • Any student transferring from another school is assessed by the SENDCo on arrival through a variety of diagnostic tests.

  • That the advice from the previous school is highly valued.