
“The school’s curriculum puts the needs of pupils at its heart. First and foremost, pupils study essential academic subjects, including English, mathematics and science. Then pupils are able to choose options from across a wide range of academic and vocational courses. Finally, there is a fantastic enrichment curriculum. Pupils develop hobbies and interests, contribute to their community, and improve their health and well-being”. (OFSTED 2020)

At Harmonize Academy, our aim is to help students to choose a career that is right for them. We are fully committed to careers education and guidance (CEG) for all of our students and evaluate our practice against the Gatsby Charitable Foundation’s Benchmarks. CEG is an integral part of our provision for all students and it is taught within the PSHE (Personal Social Health and Education) curriculum within all key stages, although there is some cross-over into subjects.

Harmonize Careers Fair, April 2024

Click here for Careers Fair Gallery 2024

Harmonize Careers Fair, April 2023

Click here for Careers Fair Gallery 2023

Jury's Inn Workplace Visit 2022

Harmonize Careers Fair, April 2022

Click here for Careers Fair Gallery 2022

Careers related activities are also available.

If parents/carers would like more information about career options for their child, please contact the school and we will put you in touch with Career Connect or our in-school Careers Leader, Mr Karo Onowighose. T 0151 203 1934

Careers Team




1. Karo Onowighose

Careers Leader

2. Leanne Morrey

Careers Connect (1:1)

3. Hollie Jones

Head of English Department

English Teacher

4. Zoe Pasquest

PSHE Teacher

5. Tony Lawson

Careers Link Governor

Staff Governor


Careers Provision

Careers Policy

Equalities Policy

Move On Move Up

Careers Linked To Subjects

Teacher Resources

Student Zone & Information

Parents' & Carers' Information

Careers Links & Videos

Gatsby Benchmarks

Cruise Visit 2023

VR work experience 2023

Destination Data 2022-23

Destination Data 2021-22

Provider Access Policy