Harmonize Academy aims to maximize school attendance rates. Attendance is a key indicator of attitudes to learning and is a sign that we are actively engaging students. We work in close partnership with parents/carers to encourage the regular attendance of students. Whilst it is understood that parents/carers are primarily responsible for ensuring that their children attend school, it is our responsibility to support attendance.
Attendance is monitored on a weekly basis and students are expected to have 90%+ attendance each week. Students with excellent weekly attendance of 100% will receive a voucher. Students with attendance falling below 90% will be encouraged to improve their attendance by their House Mentor. Students with persistent attendance falling below 80% and/or poor behaviour will have their place at Harmonize reviewed. Our Education Welfare Officer, Mrs Sheelagh Cloonan will visit you at home if your child is absent and the Attendance Officer has not been informed about the reason. Parents/carers are regularly reminded that an unjustified absence is not acceptable.
Parents/carers are required to support the Harmonize Academy Behaviour Support Plan and to sign the Harmonize Academy Contract in support of their children.
Close liaison with parents/carers
A clear policy on absence and by clearly defining our expectations of students and parents/carers at interview
Close monitoring of students’ attendance at morning and afternoon registrations
A text home if a student has not arrived by 9.00 am unless school has been informed of the reason
Close liaison with referring agencies
Working closely with the Education Welfare Officer
A Rewards Scheme: Students with weekly attendance 100% receive a voucher
Attendance Policy